Episode No. 65- What Are The Major Bail Bills Pending Before the Texas Legislature With Guest Judge Woolley
On this episode of The Bail Post, we discuss the major bail bills pending before the Texas Legislature. There are two proposed constitutional amendments: SJR 1 and SJR 5. There are also two bills: SB 9 and SB 40. SJR 1 is a proposed constitutional amendment that states if you are charged with a felony and you are in Texas illegally and did not enter a port of entry properly, then you are not entitled to bail. SJR 5 is a proposed constitutional amendment to expand preventative detention to give judges the discretion to deny bail for certain third time felons. SB 40 states that no government funds may be given to a non-profit for the purposes of posted bail by a charitable bail fund. SB 9 is a major bill that made up of changes to the bail process, adds new charges to the list of offenses to which no personal bond may be granted and makes minor changes to the charitable bail fund statute. You can see these bills HERE . These bills appear to be on the ...