
New York Mayor Says His State Should Rethink Bad Bail Reform

Let’s have a look at crime and punishment. Most of us know that crimes have changed over the years. So have enforcement, the criminal justice system and our prisons. There seems to be more and more lawlessness reported every day. I know some say that communication and reporting techniques have made it simply look like there’s more crime, and we all know that statistics can be presented in such a way to favor one side of an argument or another. We hear that crime is up in one area, down in another; higher in cities; better or worse than last year. I’m not talking about a poor family that desperately shoplifted food to try to survive, or the youngster who lifts a pack of gum. This is more directed to the “smash and grab” gangsters who are destroying the fabric of our neighborhoods. I dislike going to my local drug and convenience stores, because I have to summon a clerk several times just to unlock shaving cream or aspirin. I find it very hard to believe that everything needs to be locke

FBI Fudging Crime Numbers?

Is crime going up or down.  We have been told for months that according to the FBI crime statistics, crime is going down and that it is only the perception of crime increasing that is the problem.  This dispute has come into full focus this week when it was discovered that the FBI had updated its crime statistics incredible results. * * * RealClearInvestigations dug into the FBI’s data and found that the law enforcement agency had been criminally misreporting crime statistics in a way that just happened to help Biden-Harris look like it’s been tough on crime. Last fall, for example, the FBI reported that violent crime had dropped by 2.1% in 2022. That number was celebrated by Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the press, which said it was proof that Donald Trump was lying about a crime wave. RealClearInvestigations discovered that the FBI had secretly updated its crime statistitics, and instead of showing a 2.1% drop in violent crime, there was a 4.5% increase in 2022.   These weren’t minor

PBT's Annual Meeting- Preparing for the Next Legislative Session

We are planning for the next Texas Legislative Session.  We need you to get involved.  Find out what you can do to join us in this fight. Find out more at the Annual Meeting of the Professional Bondsmen of Texas. You can register by  CLICKING HERE .  

PBT's Annual Skeet Shoot is Right Around the Corner- Have You Signed Up?

PBT's Annual Skeet Shoot is November 6, 2024.  Revisit the fun of last year's event-  

The Annual Meeting of PBT is Nov. 6-8, 2024- Criminal Code Counties

There are two types of counties in Texas regarding the writing of bail.  There are bail bond board counties that regulate bail in counties with a population over 110,000.  In smaller counties, bail is regulated by the local sheriff.   At the annual meeting on November 6-8, 2024, there will be a panel of criminal code county sheriffs who will discuss the process of getting approved to write bail in their county. You can register by  CLICKING HERE .

Rising Crime: Undermining Safety, Creating Chaos & Harming City Tax Bases- Why Is It So Political?

  Rising Crime:  Undermining Safety, Creating Chaos & Harming City Tax Bases-  Why Is It So Political? by Ken W. Good This article was published in the Attorney at Law Magazine October 7, 2024 Crime has become a political football, kicked back and forth across the electoral playing field. The public is receiving conflicting narratives about crime. One side argues that crime is increasing, while the other claims crime is on the decline — and that any belief to the contrary is driven by mere perception rather than reality. “People will use crime data to say whatever they want,” said Jeff Asher, a criminologist and co-founder of AH Datalytics. “When you don’t have that certainty of having nearly every agency reporting data, it means that you need a lot of literacy to be able to combat items that are being stated in bad faith.” In 2014, California passed Prop. 47, reclassifying a list of felony crimes as misdemeanors. The idea was that defendants would still face accountability, but wi

California Legalized Drugs. Cartels Took It Over.

Six years after California legalized marijuana, the bodies keep piling up. Earlier this year, six men were murdered in the Mojave Desert. Four of the men had been burned after being shot with rifles. In 2020, seven people were killed at an illegal pot operation in Riverside County. Violence like this was supposed to disappear after legalization. Legalization advocates argued that making the drug trade legal would end the grip of the cartels. Instead, the legal market has failed, and the cartels are taking over sizable parts of California and the rest of the country. California's legal drug revenues have fallen consistently, as have those in other legal drug states including Colorado, whose model helped sell the idea that drug money would fix everything. Despite falling revenues, Colorado legislators brag about $282 million in drug revenue. That number may sound high, but it's a drop in the bucket considering the money that the state and cities like Denver are spending on homele

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