Please Join Us April 6, 2021 at the Texas Capitol to Oppose HB 20 Dear PBT Members and Supporters, HB 20 by Murr and several other bills, have been set for a hearing on April 6, 2021 at 1:00 pm. We are calling for all avaialbe PBT Members and supporters to join us in Austin, Texas that day. We will be limited on the number of people who can testify regarding the bill because of the pandemic. But you can still help us with your pen. This is what we need: PBT Members and Supporters of PBT should travel to Austin to sign cards in opposition to HB 20 on April 6, 2021. You should plan to arrive at 10:00 am at the Crowne Plaza located at 6121 N Interstate Hwy 35, Austin, TX 78752. We will have people in the lobby to direct groups to travel to the Capitol to get you through security. Once in the Capital you will be directed to the cafeteria where other PBT members will assit you in signing cards in opposition to the bills we oppose. We cannot stress to you the power of our members...