NY- Bad Bail Reform Gives a Green Light to Career Criminals Causing Recidivism Rates to Skyrocket
Listen to this podcast to find out the REAL numbers regarding Bail Reform and reoffense rates in New York. 40/50/60% is a VERY different story than the 2% you hear from the author of the bill and her merry band of supporters in Albany. Jim Quinn is a former executive assistant DA to Richard A Brown, former DA of Queens County. Jim was an ADA in the Queens DAs office for 42 years and retired in 2019. Are the supporters of bad bail reform acting for the best interest of the voters or are they acting in the best interests of career criminals, gangs and organized crime? Would they be doing anything differently if they were acting on behalf of these groups? 3,000 additional victims because of bad bail reform. Over 300 deaths as a result of bad bail reform. There were 7,800 people being held in Rickers at the time bad bail reform passed. After bad bail reform passed, the criminal justice system released around 2,000 inmates. Crime immediately increased....