Manchester Police Chief Speaks Against PR Bail For Woman Charged For Pistol Whipping


A 29-year-old Manchester woman charged with pistol whipping another woman Monday morning has been released on personal recognizance bail, police said.

Manchester police charged Tanisha Ozuna with first-degree assault with a firearm, reckless conduct, criminal threatening and burglary, according to a news release. The incident occurred around 9:40 a.m. at an apartment on Somerville Street.

She was released by Superior Court Judge David Anderson.

Police Chief Allen Aldenberg called Ozuna’s alleged actions extremely violent.

“This behavior is alarming and for Ms. Ozuna to be released on PR bail is incomprehensible,” the chief said in a statement.

The victim told police she was holding a young child at the time of the assault. The woman suffered multiple injuries to her head, according to the release.

“I believe releasing Ms. Ozuna on PR sends not only the wrong message, but puts the community in danger,” Aldenberg said.

Ozuna's attorney Adam Bernstein said she has no prior record and is the primary caregiver for three minor children.

“In this case, the state had the burden to prove by clear and convincing evidence that preventative detention was warranted,” he said. “The state failed to meet their burden and the judge released Ms. Ozuna on PR bail with conditions.”

As part of the conditions, Ozuna’s mother is going to supervise the release, Bernstein said.

“There is conflicting evidence which might give rise to a self defense claim,” he said.

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