Harris County District Court Judge Stopped For Multiple Traffic Violations Including Driving On The Wrong Side of The Road


Before Harris County District Court Judge Kelli Johnson took at least a month off from work for personal matters following a crisis intervention call at her house, she was pulled over for multiple traffic violations and then volunteered to do a field sobriety test.

ABC13 obtained a body-worn camera video of the encounter through an open records request.

The Harris County Sheriff's Office explained that most of the video is black due to an "obstruction," but the audio is clear.

Sgt. Colin McHugh made the initial stop.

Johnson: "I'm a judge."

McHugh: "You're a judge?"

Johnson: "A criminal district judge. Yes."

The stop happened at about 8 p.m. on April 12, three days before Johnson found Brian Coulter guilty of murdering his girlfriend's son, whose body was left to rot for a year. She mentioned the case twice during the 45-minute-long encounter and asked a second deputy, who arrived, to give her the Standard Field Sobriety Test (SFST) for a supervisor.

"If I do this test and you don't think I do well, I lose my career and this," she appealed to Deputy Sandy Mace. "I mean, can you call, like, a witness? Can we call Ben Katrib? I'll call Sidney Miller. Sheriff (Ed) Gonzalez. This is a huge deal for me."

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